Sunday, July 08, 2018

Working with Water Colors

Working with mixed media can often times feel overwhelming. Just the thought of a mess, gesso, and lots of paint choices can put anyone off. But it doesn't have to be a major work of art it can also be something small. For my project for this challenge I decided to go with a title. I'm not in my regular space so I don't have all my play items so this was an easier choice for me. I used watercolor paper for my title with my silhouette. This way I didn't need any to prep my paper with gesso. I used some really cheap water colors as I am not making a work of art that will be in a museum. So simple so easy that anyone can do this.

I used the Let's Go cut file that is free in the shop and started off with a white base. Then I just added all sorts of blues I had and then some more white to make it sort of look like water. I put it all on a angle to go with the words on the paper. I love me some Fancy Pants and this Pool Side collection is no exception. It was very easy to create a title between the cut file and the word strip. And not it wasn't planned but hey when a LO comes together it doens't have to be planned.

I don't think anyone would be put off by a little mixed media. It really doesn't have to be overwhelming and it can be such small things like a cut file that make the LO more unique then what someone else may do. So get a little messy and join in on this fun challenge. Don't forget if you need to go shopping use my code for 20% off your total order.

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