Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hope Chest - Tag

Happy Sunday everyone, it's Danielle here today. I just found this stunning Hope Chest tag that Kim Price uploaded onto our current issue. I'm just simply in love with the way she used the dreamy Hope Chest collection and that adorable dress she made.
Be sure to check out more of Kim's fabulous work on her blog!
Of course we want to see more wonderful projects made with Pink Paislee, so share them with us at our Hope Chest issue. If you want to make one in a vintage style like Kim did, maybe the Hope Chest Ephemera might help you!
It's still available in the store, don't forget to use my code DANIELLE20 for your 20% off!


  1. That is by far the most beautiful tag I have ever seen! Phenomenal art. Jaw-dropping.

  2. Wow thank you so much for the love here today on Paper Issues. I'm so happy to see my tag on your blog! xx

  3. Gorgeous Tag!!! Love all the details.

  4. Omg! That tag is out of this world! Breathtaking!

  5. Awesome Kim!!! And thanks for showing it here :) !


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