Sunday, May 12, 2013

DT Intro: Aleksandra Gadji a.k.a Alex

Hi there, PI fans! Alex here!

I am thrilled to be a part of this amazing team! A big, over the moon, thank you to Cassie for inviting me. My term has just started, but the team already feels like family. I get all warm and fuzzy inside when I think about this place :-)

Like most of you, I started to scrap when my first child was born. Today, almost 5 years later, I can't imagine my life without pretty papers. There is something almost therapeutic with this hobby that makes me whole and happy.

Here are 5 random facts about me. I hope they will give you a better picture of who I am.

  1. My blood is a real cocktail of different nationalities. I am 50% Serbian, 25% Ukrainian, 12.5% Hungarian and 12.5% Slovakian. Yet, it is Swedish I feel. I've been living in Sweden since I was 14 years old.
  2. I love turquoise! Especially together with lime and pink. It really shows in my interior design. You can find those colors everywhere around me; from my walls to my cushions and my coffee cups.
  3. I am one of those silly girls that jump up and down uncontrollably, giggling and clapping my hands when I am happy and excited. Can't help it.
  4. I am also one of those girls that jumps up onto a chair or table when she sees a mouse (or a lizard, or a spider, or a... yeah... you get it...).
  5. But, I am also a Master of Science in Information Technology and a really good software engineer. I am a programmer wearing skirts and high heels. Yep, we may be a rare species but we do exist ;-) 
When it comes to scrapbooking, I am a true layout girl. Here is one of my recent favorites:

As you can see, I love colors! 

I am looking forward to inspiring you as a Paper Issues girl. This is an amazing place to be! And so is the shop! I get all my stuff from Cassie. She is so generous with her discount that ordering from her pays off despite shipping to Sweden. Next time you order something from her, feel free to use my code ALEX20 to get 20% off your purchase.

You are more than welcome to visit my blog Colors of Alex
See you there, or here, or just around!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welceomw to the PI family girlie - so thrilled to be working with you again!
    Love your layout BTW! :)

  3. So happy to be working with you Alex!!! Fab LO!

  4. I'm sooo happy to be on the team with you, sweet Alex!! <3

  5. Yay Alex!! So happy we're part of this family together! Loved reading your fun facts :). And your layout is adorable!


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