Sunday, June 12, 2016

Last Day of School

Hello & welcome back...Dani here today.  I wanted to share a layout I made to document the last day of Kindergarten for my sweet nephew, Sawyer.  My children are grown now, so it had been quite a while since I made an elementary school page.  Its fun to change things up a bit...and he's so dang Cute, how could I resist!? :)

Here are a few closeups of my layout:



I used a combination of Photo Play, Real Genius & Simple Stories, Carpe Diem.  I also added in a small touch from Maggie Holmes, Bloom & Pink Paislee, Fancy Free.  Lastly, the pretty plaid paper is from Photo Play, Fresh Picked.  I really enjoy mixing multiple lines together when creating a layout.


Remember to make your die cuts & sticker sheets work for you...don't be afraid to cut them up!  Also, I love to add pop dots or ink to really make them stand out.  I like to add multiple fonts with different textures & dimension in my titles.  I think, all of these things, add interest to the page.  Here's a look at my completed layout:


I would love to see what you create with your last day of school pictures.  Please tag me @maamcraftsalot and use #paperissues.  I am excited to see all of your amazing projects.  Be sure to check out the Paper Issues store today for these products & more!  You can use my code to save 20% off your order!

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