Friday, August 21, 2015

Fan Feature Friday: Pocket-Book #1

This week's Fan Feature Friday showcases projects from the first week of our Pocket-Book issue. Every Friday, we showcase projects linked to our current issue, so be sure to share your projects for a chance to be featured (and to win a great prize).

Let's take a look at the projects that caught our eye this week...

1. Sandy's layout is just as it says, just plain fun, with silly photos, great design and a tabbed envelope to hold the journaling.

2. I spy some amazing July Swag Bag goodness on Heather's sweet page, along with a library pocket that holds a photo and the start of her title work.

3. Mandy shared some great summer-themed pocket pages, plus she has a process video to go along with it.

4. Holly also shared a pocket page, complete with colorful inserts and photos of summer fun.

5. Diana created a pretty pocket to hold the journaling on this beautifully designed page. Everything works so well with the older photos.

6. Sandi created a pocket page to showcase events from February of this year.

7. Elaine dug into her stash and used some awesome Hambly (remember them?) product on her fun page. Did you notice the pocketbook in the photo?

Thank you all for sharing your beautiful work with us! Be sure to grab the "my project was featured" button from the sidebar to showcase on your blog.

See you next Friday with more projects linked to Pocket-Book!


  1. Thank you so much for showcasing one of my pages....there is so much talent in this group....I am constantly inspired and encouraged to keep developing this hobby.

  2. Thank you very much for choosing my layout as one of your Fan Feature Friday! I am so thrilled. Congrats to the others with their fabulous creations!

  3. These are great. I love how different they are! You can really see the influence of individual artists.

  4. How fun to see my layout on the blog! I feel fancy! ;) Also, there are some seriously rad pages happening this week!

  5. I squealed when I saw my layout!!! thank you so much for making me feel special :) Love all the projects featured ..Everyone has such great talent :)

  6. I loved all of these! Great interpretation of the theme. I did hidden journaling in pockets that I stitched. These ideas are great.


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