Friday, August 14, 2015

Fan Feature Friday: It's All About the Face #2

This week's Fan Feature Friday showcases projects from the second week of It's All About the Face, sponsored by Paper Issues. Every Friday, we showcase projects linked to our current issue, so be sure to share your projects for a chance to be featured.

Let's take a look at the projects that caught our eye this week...

Anna's take on the theme includes a sweet profile of her daughter and her adorable braids.

2. How can you not smile when you see the sweet face of delight on Cathy's granddaughter's face as she experiences her first dip in the pool?

3. Sandy shared this layout about her mother, as she recovered from a broken leg. She put a Swag Bag and the fabulous Paper Issues houndstooth tissue paper to work on here.

4. Teena shared this sweet summer beach page via Instagram.

5. Jessica created this fun, girly paged based on a song title. It sure looks like a lot of fun is going on.

6. Carolyn's tropical layout is about her daughter's favorite animal. Isn't she the cutest tiger ever?

7. Rebecca's page is so soft and dreamy. She used so many great elements, including a Paper Issues free cut file.

Thank you all so much for playing along with us! Be sure to grab the "my project was featured" button from the sidebar to showcase on your blog.

On Monday we'll have a brand new issue for you. I've heard it's something about pockets or something about books or maybe it's about both. Check back to find out...


  1. Thanks so much for the feature! One of my favorite pics of my sweet girl! And the Fancy Pants paper made it even more special!

  2. wow thank you so much for choosing mine as a feature :)

  3. Thank you so much for the feature. Love using the swag bag on all of my projects and I love the houndstooth paper!

  4. These are amazing. Congrats on being featured!


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