Sunday, September 10, 2017

Scraplift Sunday 9/10

Wahoo! It's time for another round of Scraplift Sunday! I love finding inspiration from someone else, then adapting and changing bits to make feel like my own. Anyway, today we are lifting Rachel's layout from the September Take 5 Tuesday challenge. I like the angles of the papers, but also how they fill the entire page. I know the team had fun lifting this, let's take a look!

OMG, I love how Mary-Ann created the four quadrants by using the negative space on her page!  That cluster of embellishments in the center is fab-u-lous. But, those photos are really the star! PinkFresh Boys Fort is a perfect choice for her page.

Wendy took a more literal approach to her lift. Great choice of bright patterns and colors here. The Crate paper Cool Kid pennants look great!

Devra here and I played too this week. Boy did I play. I pulled out Pebbles Girl Squad , cut the papers smaller, pulling them into the center of the page. That left me a lot of room to play with all the embellishments. And of course another chance to use my Stitch Happy sewing machine!

Well, we were short and sweet today! Come join the fun! You know we love when our Friends & Fans join our challenges! You can find them all in our Facebook group

You can find these supplies and so much more in the Paper Issues shop right now! Go get some new stuff!  Use my code DEVRA at checkout for 20% off your purchase.  I can't wait to see your lifts!

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