Saturday, September 30, 2017

Frame It Up

I called myself being productive and cleaning through some of my stash/hoard. I Have to do this every so often as I tend to get swallowed up in my craft area. And hey I must make room for more Cassie mail. As I was going through my stash I came across the Simple Stories So Rad collection. I do hoard all things boy/masculine with no shame. And the one thing that really stood out to me in my bag was all those frames. I buy frames with good intentions but Simple Stories doesn't skimp on the frames I'll tell you. So what to do what to do. Use them up of course.

I started this with just a base of frames assorted to my linking with an array of colors that had some sense of balance. Then I chose the background paper that helped make these frames pop. I decided to go with the darker paper as all the colorful paper tended to swallow up the frames.

After the base was done then it was figuring out picture sizes which I do with cardboard templates that I cut with sizes that I tend to use more often. I print at home which gives me all the flexibility I need with my pictures. I did decide that the paper needed some softening behind some of the frames.

So for that i used some gesso and a paper towel folded up to dab some white onto specific parts of the background paper. I then splattered some black spray and I think it worked well to soften up this Layout a bit. Sometimes it is smaller touches that matter. All that was left was choosing what elements to put on the various frames and achieve a balanced page. And I must say I'm very pleased with the outcome.

So go on dig in your stash and use up all those things you have been hanging on to in order to make room for some more Cassie Mail. And when you shop don't forget to use my code for 20% off your entire order.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for this idea. I have packs of frames I never know what to do with!


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