Friday, July 08, 2016

July Pinspire Me Mood Board

Good morning and welcome to the July Pinspire Me mood board!  It is bright, colorful and even yummy!  I browsed around Pinterest to collect and collage of photos, hoping to inspire you to create with us.  All you have to do is document your memories, create a project, and upload it to our Facebook page - Paper Issues Friends & Fans Page - HERE.  
This will enter you into the drawing for a gift certificate to the Paper Issues store!  You get a project completed and a chance to win a prize, WIN WIN!!!

Here is the July Pinspire Me board. 

The PI design team has been busy.  I mean really busy.  I think everyone found something in the board that was inspiring.  WARNING - this is a looooooong post! 
 Here is my layout....

I drew inspiration from the rainbow flip flops, tan from the s'mores and a touch of blue from the popsicles.  I used Elle's Studio Sunny Days.  

Here is the rest of the amazing team....

Michelle Gallant  used the colors and the watermelon idea from the  board.  The piecing in the cut file is amazing!  

One of our card queens, Lisa Swift created this stunning card. 

Kelly Feldman joined in and created this colorful layout using Dear Lizzy.  Check out the layered background!

Ann Tamimi kept its semi-simple with this fun layout.  Her homemade paper ice cream makes me want some and I love how she rocks the straws!

Um, wow.  Look at what Dannielle Brown created from the board.  The details are endless.  

Our dirty gearle, Orange, always packs a punch.  Love the details in her layout along with the watercolor effect.  

Melissa Smith says she was inspired by the colors,  I think she is right!  This is a great layout, but the photo is priceless!

Mary Ann Jenkins never disappoints.  Her title just pops of the page.  I love how clean this layout is.  

Rachel Kleinman shows you that you can bring the Pinspire Me board to other projects as well.  Planning was a great idea.  Look at the PI paper POPs she has all over her pages.

Who doesn't love s'mores?  I adore Janet Grzanka-Dlugokenski's woodgrain background popped with white and green words.  

Excited about using paint, Chelsea Miller 'whipped' up this fun layout!  

I love when Cassie Box plays along.  She has the BEST photos and always the funnest layouts.  

We hope you are inspired to get going on this fun Pinspire Me mood board.  
If this board inspired so many DT members, it surely can inspire you too.  

Be sure to enter your projects HERE in the PI Facebook community.  We will also be featuring some of your talented work on our blog later in the month.  
There are gift certificates to the Paper Issues shop to be won, and everyone who plays along with our monthly challenges is entered to win!

Remember,  if there is anything you have your eye on in the Paper Issues Store, grab it for 20% off with code: Mary-Ann.  Get free shipping when you reach $65.00.


  1. MMMmmm...what a yummy mood board! Great inspiration!

  2. I am drooling (creatively speaking) over these layouts. AMAZING inspiration!!!

  3. Great mood board and FANTASTIC inspiration from the team - Wow!

  4. Really incredible projects here. I love all the different directions a mood board can take. AWESOME!

  5. Love the rainbow paper on the last layout - what paper is that?

  6. So easy to make a page with that mood board!!! Love it!


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