Sunday, May 29, 2016

Pocket Page Features : May Challenge!

Today I'm featuring entries for the May Pocket Page Challenge! Each month Paper Issues brings you new challenges to spark your creativity. They are posted here on the blog and you can play along in our Paper Issues {Friends & Fans} group over on Facebook. Share your page(s) and earn a chance to win a gift certificate to the shop! The May Challenge is open through June 1st so, there is still time to enter!

Your May Pocket Page Challenge is to use one (or) any combination of the following:
  • Show page(s) from 2016
  • Use a piece - or more! - of flair
Here are just a few of the beautiful entries for May. Thank you so much to all of these ladies for sharing their talents!

Heather Shank shared this foiled beauty focusing on Mother's Day. Pocket Pages can absolutely be used for a single event, as Heather has perfected with this page!

Katie Regner shared this two page layout of a week in March. I absolutely love that she unified family photos on one side and sports photos on the other by carrying though one, simple color scheme. It all flows so well!

Snady Pressley's pocket pages are always so vibrant and full of detail! This is a new favorite of mine as she revisits Christmas time. 

Melissa Labbe shared this 2016 page. The top two photos perfectly tell a story visually, with numbers and the Thicker words. Great page, Melissa!

Still working on yours? You have a *little* bit of time to spare. Jule 1st is the deadline for this month! Get crafty,


Thank you for leaving a comment. We love hearing from you!