Friday, December 25, 2015

Fan Feature Friday: Owl I Want for Christmas #3

This week's Fan Feature Friday showcases projects from week three of our linky party, Owl I Want for Christmas. Every Friday, we feature projects our {Friends & Fans} have linked up, so be sure to share your projects for a chance to be featured.

Let's take a look at the projects that caught our eye this week...

1. Ange starts us off this week with a frosty blue winter page, complete with a clever title and great pops of red.

2. Janice shared this beautiful and festive page showcasing a light display. The star paper complements the twinkling lights perfectly.

3.  Shannon is the queen of adorable cards. She always manages to work in the perfect pun too (and this one is no exception).

4. Zsoka's page design shines bright. It's as if the gold is an extension of her tree photo. Wonderful page, Zsoka!

5. Heather's design really stands out with its classic color scheme and the variety of circular embellishments she used.

6. Last, but not least, Chelsea shared this cute page about "Christmas Swag", a new way to wear Christmas stockings.

Thank you all for playing along with us! Be sure to grab the "my project was featured" button from the sidebar to showcase on your blog.

See you next week with one more round of Fan Feature Friday!


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