Friday, May 03, 2013

Spring Tulips

Oh- Happy Spring did this cute tulip card catch my lil' eye.

Tulips have always been a fav of mine and I love how Candace from Scrappin' 2 Little Princesses arranged them in to a simple flower pot with a sweet Chevron background.
Total Adorbs!

Our current Issue,  Elle's Studio "It's Serendipity"  challenge is still up and running.
You can use my code Holly20 for any goodies you likey-like in the Paper Shop too.


  1. This is the perfect picture of spring!

  2. Hello
    It is the design which is wonderful.
    Tulip is loved by all people.
    Tulips have a lot of bloom to my garden.
    From Japan
    Ryoma Sakamoto.


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