Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DT Introduction Becki Adams

Hey Everyone, Becki Adams here. I'm thrilled to be a part of the Paper Issues team! I'm so thankful to be surrounded by so many talented scrapbookers who love this crazy obsession as much as I do.

Ok, I'm going to take a deep breath and share some of my issues with you today...don't laugh! Just kidding laugh away

  • I *love* coconut! Coconut Air-fresheners, coconut cupcakes, coconut milk, coconut macaroons, Almond Joy candy bars, coconut oil, coconut milkshakes....I could keep going.
  • I hate bananas. Even the smell grosses me out. Yick!
  • I have 3 children but you will often hear me say that I have 6 children. My sister lives close by and works full time, so I get to take care of her kids while she works so I claim them as my own.
  • Reading is one of my favorite past times. I usually have between 6 and 8 books on my nightstand at all times, although I rarely read more than one book at a time.
  • My husband and I have a mutual agreement. We do not play checkers together ever. We played once and it was a disaster. (he cheats every time!)
The project I have to share with you today is a project I created to document a comment my son made when he was getting ready for school the other day. Everyday projects are my most favorite. If you came to my house you would find albums filled with memories from my family's everyday life.

 There are some great new goodies in the Paper Issues Store make sure to use the code becki20 when you shop so you can receive 20% off your order.

You can find more details about the project I shared with you today on my blog (beckiadams.blogspot.com)
Have a wonderful day, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Such a sweet LO Becki! So happy to get to know you!

  2. I LOVE coconut! Just finished my favorite - coconut M&M's.
    Have an Almond Joy in my stash, too. Shhhh...don't tell my kids I have a secret candy stash :)

  3. Welcome to PI Becki - I adore the smell of coconuts! :D

  4. Hi Becki! It was fun to read your facts and get to know you better! Love your layout!


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