Tuesday, May 07, 2013

DT intro: Amy Coose

 I am so thrilled to be here at the Paper Issues blog today for my DT intro.  I am looking forward to a great term and am so excited to get started.

How about some random facts about me?
*I adore coffee...really. I drink it all day, and don't think I could make it without it.
*I was blessed with a bonus baby a year and a half ago, ten years after I had my 2nd.
*I am a huge hockey fan-I love the Washington Capitals so much!
*I do 12x12 layouts, other sizes scare me.  I just got over a fear of mini albums.
*I miss sleep.  My aforementioned bonus baby is a horrid sleeper and still doesn't sleep through the night.

Here is one of my recent favorite layouts.

I used the Fancy Pants Designs Swagger collection to create this layout.  You can find this collection along with some other amazing stuff right in the Paper Issues Store. Don't forget, if you use my code you can get 20% off Cassie's already LOOOOOW prices.

I am so thrilled to be a member of this team.  Thanks so much to Cassie for having me! I'd love for you to visit my blog any time, your comments make my day.


  1. Congrats Amy,love your work :)

  2. Fab LO Amy...so happy to hang with you here at PI!

  3. Congrats! Can't wait to see more of your work!

  4. Hi Amy! So fun to be on the team with you!

  5. Happy to be working with you Amy! Love your layout!

  6. So happy we're on this team together!! LOVE your page and reading some fun facts about you!

  7. Amy you know how much I love your work. So happy for you girl!

  8. kraft? with orange and grey and teal? oh heck yes. lurrrrrrve the page, Amy, and i'm happy to be serving my sentence with you! ;)


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