Saturday, September 16, 2017

Hungry. Growing. Messy. Boy.

Hi, it's Damaris.
One of the newest PI Girls.
Just feeling a little nostalgic this month.
If you're like me, you may be conflicted between wanting to actually scrapbook using older paper collections (because you refuse to be labeled a hoarder), and keeping the collections you once loved so dearly stored away since the "STYLE" is long gone.  Never fear, this feat is actually possible!  You can use what you have and build your page to a more modern format by just adding splashes of paint, sprinkles of stickers and clusters!  We all love those cute clusters!  Mix the old stash with some new embellishments and make those photos come alive!

I used Echo Park's "All About A Boy", and a couple of Amy Tangerine's & Fancy Pants' puffy stickers, to create an updated layout of my 1st grader - who was 18 months at the time of these photos.  I may be on a journey to documenting his baby photos; for the simple fact that he's about to be 7 and it is really resonating in my heart.

Come visit the PI Shop for more Echo Park and other collections.  Don't forget to take advantage of my coupon code "Damaris" by saving 20% on your total purchase.  And if you have created layouts, make sure to share them with us in our Facebook Group!

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