Friday, March 31, 2017

Fan Feature Friday: Anything Goes #2

Would you like to have your Anything Goes project featured? Be sure to share your projects in the Current Issue album in our {Friends & Fans} Facebook group.

1. Kim starts us off this week with this creative off the page project. Each of the six pieces is a "collage of mini art, made from patterned paper".

2. Patricia's fun page about driving has plenty of motion itself from the whimsical arrows, car paper and embellishments.

3. Maria created this sweet page, full of overlapping hearts and plenty of shine.

4. This is one of Peggy's favorite pages. I'd have to say I agree. :)

5. Barbara shared this adorable two-pager filled with sweet baby photos and such a pretty mix of colors and patterns.

6. Christy did an amazing job hand stitching all of the hearts on her pretty page!

Thank you all for playing along with us! Be sure to grab the "featured by" button below to showcase on your blog.

See you soon with a look at our April issue!


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