Friday, February 12, 2016

Fan Feature Friday: Showered with Love #1


Today's Fan Feature Friday showcases projects from our current issue, Showered with Love, sponsored by The Ribbon Resource. It's your turn to be in the spotlight, as we feature projects our {Friends & Fans} have posted in our Facebook group. We hope you'll join in too for a chance to be in the spotlight!

1. AJ Art Jypsy starts us off this week with a fun Valentine's Day card that pairs a cute monkey and a sentiment that's going to leave us singing.

2. Debbie created a card, complete with a gumball machine, that's sweet as can be (just like the sentiment says).

3. Jessica shared a two page layout about a wedding shower. The color scheme works so well with her photos.

4. Alex went with the "shower" part of the issue theme, creating a gorgeous and wonderfully refreshing page full of colorful raindrops and a sweet umbrella.

5. Becki's sweet and adorable Valentine is so pretty in pink, black and white! Did you catch the cute pun?

6. Cassie made this awesome tassel garland. Pretty amazing use of ribbon, right?

7. Sneaking in one more wonderful project by a different Cassie. She really rocked the title work and hearts on her page!

Thank you all for sharing your work with us! Be sure to grab the "super fan" image shown below to showcase on your blog.

See you in two weeks with another round of Fan Feature Friday!


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