Saturday, February 01, 2014

Spotlighting Ashley Horton

Ashley is one of my favorite scrapbookers out there.  I am always amazed by her projects, and when I saw this one linked up to our current issue, I knew I wanted to feature it.

Amazing, right?  Her layouts are just filled with so many details, I could look at them for HOURS!  Thanks so much, Ashley, for sharing your talent with us!

Have you linked up a project to our current issue yet?  You have one more day to do so, and you could win a  $20 gift certificate to the store.  Have you seen the amazing goodies in the shop?  There's so many amazing goodies to grab right now, like this.

Check out all the other goodies in the shop right now, and use my code "20withamy" to get 20% off your order!

Thanks for stopping by the PI blog today!


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