Wednesday, March 21, 2018

52 Favorites: Playing Catch Up

I jumped right in with 52 Favorites, I mean it seemed simple enough not an every day thing just sit down once a week and pick a moment or two from the week. I had a plan, I could do this it wasn't an every day obligation it was simple. I wasn't going to make it hard for myself, just a travelers notebook and my left over pickings from swag bags. Simple right? Yea, then life said who are you kidding and I put one week off then the next and so far I've managed to do two weeks. I'm rocking it! Like any new year resolution I make, which is why I don't make them anymore.

But hope is not lost! No I can catch up because there are no rules. There aren't things "I need" beyond pictures and my stash. I can do one picture, two pictures, or as many as I like. It doesn't have to be fabulous and presented on a float in a parade. This is just for me, a simple time out to take even if I tend to put it off.

So my plan is to start with the pictures, get those all printed out. That is easy enough I know the size I want and I can easily do a sheet quickly to print.

With pictures set I can add dates to the back any notes that I want to make and be fully prepared to stick in my journal.

The fun part, dump my goodies on my table and stream Jessica Jones as I take some much needed me time and start to catch up. Even if I don,t get it all done right now I can just put it in a box and it will be ready for me to put together when I have a cup of tea and ignore the kids.

See that easy I'm on my way to catching up, its the beauty of 52 favorites its no stress, not perfect, and easy to stay on top of, or lose track and catch up!

It took me a few hours but I'm all caught up. I decided since I got so far along to just finish off and I didn't need to set it aside other than to make dinner. So this isn't really an overwhelming project it is simple to jump in, catch up or keep in stride so do not let this pass you by. And if you want to shop for some goodies or sign up for Swag Bags don't forget to use my code for 20% off your total order.


  1. Thanks for the reminder to get caught up! Looking awesome!

  2. Never too late to catch up. Love the photos


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